
Warps the source clip based on its gradient. By default, brighter areas are puffed out and darker areas are shrunk. This is similar to applying Distort effect to an image using itself as the lens.

In the Sapphire Distort effects submenu.


Source:  The current layer.   The input clip to be warped.

Matte:  Defaults to None.   If provided, the amplitude of warping is scaled by the values of this input clip. Gray values internally scale the warping amplitude rather than simply cross-fading between the effect and the original source to allow more continuous results at the matte edges and more detailed control over the warping amounts. This input can be affected using the Blur Matte, Invert Matte, or Matte Use parameters.


Direction:   Popup menu,  Default: Puff.
Determines which type of areas of the source clip are puffed.
Puff:  expands brighter areas and shrinks darker ones.
Shrivel:  shrinks brighter areas and expands darker ones.

Amount:   Default: 0.5,  Range: any.
Scales the amount of distortion. This can also be negative to turn puffs into shrivels and vice versa.

Smoothness:   Default: 36,  Range: 0 or greater.
Blurs the source clip by this amount before determining the warp directions and amounts.

Rotate Warp Dir:   Default: 0,  Range: any.
Rotates the direction of the warping. This can cause areas of similar brightness to be twisted instead of just expanded or shrunk.

Wrap:   X & Y,  Popup menu,  Default: [Reflect Reflect].
Determines the method for accessing outside the borders of the source image.
No:  gives black beyond the borders.
Tile:  repeats a copy of the image.
Reflect:  repeats a mirrored copy. Edges are often less visible with this method.

Filter:   Check-box,  Default: on.
If enabled, the image is adaptively filtered when it is resampled. This gives a better quality result when parts of the image are warped smaller.

Blur Matte:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
Blurs the Matte input by this amount before using. This can provide a smoother transition between the matted and unmatted areas. It has no effect unless the Matte input is provided.

Invert Matte:   Check-box,  Default: off.
If on, inverts the Matte input so the effect is applied to areas where the Matte is black instead of white. This has no effect unless the Matte input is provided.

Matte Use:   Popup menu,  Default: Luma.
Determines how the Matte input channels are used to make a monochrome matte.
Luma:  the luminance of the RGB channels is used.
Alpha:  only the Alpha channel is used.

Opacity:   Popup menu,  Default: Normal.
Determines the method used for dealing with opacity/transparency.
All Opaque:  Use this option to render slightly faster when the input image is fully opaque with no transparency (alpha=1).
Normal:  Process opacity normally.
As Premult:  Process as if the image is already in premultiplied form (colors have been scaled by opacity). This option also renders slightly faster than Normal mode, but the results will also be in premultiplied form, which is sometimes less correct. If your image has sharp color changes where the matte channel also has sharp edges, you may get better results with Normal mode.

See Also:

Sapphire Plug-ins Introduction

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