
Breaks the image into rectangle shaped tiles and transforms the image within each shape, to create a fly's eye view effect. The 'Inside' parameters transform the Source image before it is tiled into the pattern, and the 'Tile' parameters transform the entire fly's eye pattern.

In the Sapphire Stylize effects submenu.


Source:  The current layer.   The clip to be processed.


Tile Frequency:   Default: 12,  Range: 0.1 or greater.
The frequency of the tile pattern, increase for more smaller tiles.

Tile Rel Height:   Default: 1,  Range: 0.01 or greater.
The relative height of the tile shapes, increase for taller tiles.

Tile Shift:   X & Y,   Default: [360 243],  Range: any.
Translates the tile pattern.

Inside Zdist:   Default: 2,  Range: 0 or greater.
Determines the zoom factor of the image inside each tile. Values greater than 1 zoom out, values less than 1 zoom in. If this is 1, Inside Rotate is 0, and Overall Zdist is 1, the result should be the same as the input image.

Inside Rotate:   Default: 0,  Range: any.
The rotation angle of the image inside each tile, in degrees.

Overall Zdist:   Default: 1,  Range: any.
Creates an overall zooming effect by making each tile look toward or away from the image center. Decrease to zoom in, increase to zoom out. When 0 all tiles should contain identical images.

Wrap:   Popup menu,  Default: Reflect.
Determines the method for accessing outside the borders of the source image.
No:  gives black beyond the borders.
Tile:  repeats a copy of the image.
Reflect:  repeats a mirrored copy. Edges are often less visible with this method.

Filter:   Check-box,  Default: on.
If enabled, the Source image is resampled using pixel averaging. This removes aliasing and gives a higher quality result especially when Inside Zdist is large. It may not be necessary if your input image is smooth or Inside Zdist is small.

Opacity:   Popup menu,  Default: Normal.
Determines the method used for dealing with opacity/transparency.
All Opaque:  Use this option to render slightly faster when the input image is fully opaque with no transparency (alpha=1).
Normal:  Process opacity normally.
As Premult:  Process as if the image is already in premultiplied form (colors have been scaled by opacity). This option also renders slightly faster than Normal mode, but the results will also be in premultiplied form, which is sometimes less correct.

Show Tile Freq: Check-box, Default: off.
Turns on or off the screen user interface for adjusting the Opacity parameter.This parameter only appears on AE and Premiere, where on-screen widgets are supported.

See Also:

Sapphire Plug-ins Introduction

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