Scrambles the pixels of the source input within an area determined by the
Diffuse Amount. Use the Blur Rel X and Y parameters for a more horizontal
or vertical diffuse direction. The pixelated look of this effect depends
on the image resolution, so it is recommended to test your final resolution
before processing.
In the Sapphire Stylize effects submenu.
Source: The current layer. The clip to be processed.
Matte: Defaults to None. If provided, this determines which areas of the
image receive diffusing pixels. Gray values internally scale the
Diffuse Amount parameter rather than simply cross-fading between the
effect and the original source. This can allow more continuous
results at the matte edges and more detailed control over the
diffusion amounts.
This input can be affected using the Blur Matte, Invert Matte,
or Matte Use parameters.